"There is a gold and a multitude of rubies, but the lips of knowledge are the precious jewel."

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

i am now a 2nd year egelloc stneduts ..

We all know,  that time goes very fast. Before, I am just a young boy playing with my friends outside our house. And now, I can't believe that I am a 2nd year egelloc tneduts. But honestly, I am not yet ready to face the challenges that awaits in this year. But this is our life as a students.. So we must face it and accept the fact that we are getting older.. (hihiihi!!! :D)

As a 2nd year egelloc tneduts there are a lots of surprises and challenges await us. In this stage of our college years, we are about  to face  the challenges and overcome it so that we can step up to the next level or stage wherein there are more thrilling happenings and challenging things. Patience, hard work and self-confidence are needed to overcome this challenges. And being trustworthy too is needed here because we must ask for guidance from our Almighty God to overcome this kind of challenges.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Studying- a serious act

"Education is the key to success", a very fruitful and meaningful saying to every students. This saying serves as an inspiration to students including myself who are striving hard to fulfill our dreams and desires.

Our dear parents who are doing all the things just to send us in school. They give their best just to provide our needs in school. They worked hard just to pay our tuition fees and give us money to buy our projects and requirements in school. Even if they are exhausted in doing such things, they continue to do that things just to support us.

But what other students do? They are not studying. They are not paying attention to their studies. They are fond of doing such nonsense things. They are just thinking of themselves. They do not go to school. Instead, they go to some places, hanging out, chilling out. Their parents give them money to go to school but they are spending it to buy not important things. Their parents didn't know that they are not going to school. And then, they are giving their parents a problem about their failing grades. After that, they cannot graduate because of it.

My dear fellow egelloc stneduts, we should be aware that the main problem of our country today is POVERTY. Millions of people today are in this stage. And one of it's cause is the large number of students who are undergraduate in all levels of education.

In order to lessen this problem that we have right now, we should study hard and be serious to our studies. We should think of our future. We should set aside first the things that can destruct our studying habits. We should think what our parents are doing in order to send us in school. We must value their hard work and effort that they have exerted just to support and give us our needs in school. We must not think that studying is a boring activity. We must have a positive insight about the effect of being serious to our studies.

You know my fellow egelloc stneduts, if we are able to finish our studies, this will lead us to find a better and descent job and we are going to make our parents happy. And if we can find a job, we can help our family uplift from poverty and do whatever we wanted. We must be thankful and grateful because we have our parents who support us and send us to school. We are so lucky that we have given this opportunity to study, because some youth are not studying due to financial problems. So we must do and give our best to finish our studies.

So let me ask you some questions: Do you think  it will lead you to success if you continue doing those nonsense things? Do you think those things will help lessen the rising number of people who are suffering poverty? And do you think those things will help you to uplift your family from poverty? Come to think of it!

Taking up a college course, is it necessary?

Education is a very important thing that parents could give to their children. It is the only inheritance that nobody could take away. It is the only way to lead us to find a descent job. The only way to help our family uplift from poverty. And the only way to success.

After they have graduated in high school, some students don't enroll in college due to financial problem. Their parents cannot afford to send them in school because they don't have enough money to pay their tuition fees and support their projects. That's why after the have graduated in high school, they look for a job. But some of them failed to do it's because they are not a college graduate.

That's why taking up a college course  is very important matter for us as a student. This will enhance our minds and skills of what we had learned in our past years in elementary and high school. If you are a college graduate, it is easier for you to find a better job and earn more income and become successful sooner. And this thing will make our parents proud and happy as well. And this will help to lessen the rising number of undergraduate students in college here in our country.

comsci - why did i take this course?

Nowadays,our world is rapidly changing. We are now in a modernize world. High technology is used in doing such things and even in our household chores. Different kinds of gadgets are invented for recreational purposes just like cellphones, ipods, computers and etc.

Speaking of computers, it is very important nowadays to be a computer literate. That's why I take Bachelor of Science in Computer Science course. I take this course because it is very important in finding a job. Computer literacy lead us to not to be left behind in the rapidly changing world- the world of high technology. And it's because some job fairs uses internet to advertise their job offers. And some job nowadays are using computers. Especially jobs in companies, business establishments, call centers and etc. You can earn more income when you know how to use computers. And the another reason why I take this course it's because of my parents decision. They want me to enroll in Computer Science course.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

- i am chian.. -

In the morning of the 1st day of September, 1993, a baby boy was born on their house at Poblacion Norte, Ivisan, Capiz. He is the son of Mr. Cresenciano Oropeo, a part-time driver and a auto mechanic and Ms. Susan Peral, a housekeeper. He is the second child and only boy among the 3 of them. His elder sister is Shiela May, ad his younger sister is Christine. They live as one happy family as what the other family should do.

He spent his elementary education at Ivisan Elementary School and finished as Class 1st Honorable Mention. And he studied his secondary education at Ivisan National High School. And he graduated as Class Salutatorian.

Now he is 17 years old, and currently a First Year College Student of Hercor College. He is taking up a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science.

He is fond of doing things which may entertain him. Such as listening to music, watching television and texting. And especially he loves to sleep all the time when he does nothing. And he loves volleyball.

His goals in life are to finish his studies and find a descent job in order for him to help uplift his family from the greatest problem of our country today. . the POVERTY. He wanted to buy his father a car, which his father wanted to have. He also wanted to build a 2 mansion house: 1 for his parents and the other is for his family someday.. This could happen if he will be a billionaire someday..His greatest dream is to become a GREAT MATHEMATICIAN and formulate his own theory regarding the laws related to Mathematics.

And he believes in the saying." Don't be stuck to one thing, instead try something different. " And "There is a gold and a multitude of rubies, but the lips of knowledge are the precious jewel."

And the person I am referring to is the author himself, I myself,
           -Christian Oropeo-